2.5G – September Update

September 6th, 2007

GWAPA is nearing the end of its 2.5G aquascaping contest with all entries due by October 1st. I’m cautiously pleased with how mine is progressing. I’ve added in some more anubias barteri var. ‘nana’ and anubias barteri var. ‘petite’ to the crevice between the rocks. I’ve been picking riccia fluitans from the crasula helmsii in the foreground. I’m not entirely sure how it got in there, but it seems to be doing well — too much so. You generally think that riccia is a bright green colored plant, but this crasula in the foreground puts it to shame; the riccia looks dark green in comparison. There’s also a little bit of fissidens sp. moss growing on a few of the rocks. Ideally, I’d like that to cover most of the rock’s surface, but unfortunately, I don’t think that’ll happen by October 1st.

2.5G - White Background

Since this is a photo contest, I’ve been experimenting with a couple different backgrounds for this tank. Here are two that I took a day apart, where the only difference is that one is a white background, and the other black. Comments welcome!

2.5G - 9/4/2007

2 Responses to “2.5G – September Update”

  1. igniz Says:

    thank you for the posting this, i’m a newbie aquarist and has a 2.5G tank.. excellent concept of ideas.. thank you very much for sharing your work thank you

  2. guitarfish Says:

    I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for your comment! 🙂