Ranunculus Inundatus Hill

September 4th, 2006

Elatine Triandra overgrown As you can see to the left, the elatine triandra that I had planted, in hope that it would fill the hill in my 75G has grown unmanagable. It looked fabulous for about a week, and then it overgrew itself, to the point where half of it wasn’t even rooted in the substrate anymore.

Ranunculus inundatus - overhead view

So, I decided to rip it all out, and instead try ranunculus inundatus as my “hill plant.” This is a funny little plant that is somewhat new to the hobby, and isn’t likely to be found in all but a few local fish stores.

Planting this plant is quite similar to planting glossostigma elatinoides; you break it into sections of 1-2 nodes, and plant them individually. Before long, each node will send out new nodes via runners, covering your substrate. From the picture below, you can tell that the leaves can be a number of inches above the substrate. These plants were transplanted from a more shaded aquarium, so they are quite high. I’m counting on the new growth to hug the substrate a little bit more tightly, as I have 220W overtop of this tank, with the top of the hill only being about 10″ from the lights.
Ranunculus inundatus - just planted on the hill in my 75G
Ranunculus inundatus is a relatively fast growing plant when in the right conditions. Generally speaking, the required conditions are similar to glosso: decent light, plenty of macros, and CO2. You might be able to grow it in less-than-ideal circumstances, but the growth will likely be leggy, with deformed leaves.

2 Responses to “Ranunculus Inundatus Hill”

  1. Mark Says:

    I have a group of rocks which get algae which I try to cover with moss, pelia, and so. Then the rocks are covered in plants ; )

    I’m curious about your strategy pertaining to algae on the rocks. One never sees algae on amano rocks. ? )


  2. Kris Says:

    Generally speaking, I don’t have a strategy for algae on rocks. Most of the time, I find that a rock with a little bit of green spot, or other form of algae looks more appealing/natural to me than one pristine one. Personally, I find the Nerite snails egg more offensive to the eye than the algae, but even that doesn’t motivate me enough to spend the time removing those eggs.