Rotala macrandra

January 7th, 2008

My new favorite accent in the 75G aquarium is Rotala macrandra, a beautiful, but delicate red stem plant. Notorious for being a more difficult plant to grow, I can understand its’ reputation. The plant doesn’t seem to have much of a problem growing, but if I go too long without a water change, I start to notice little holes in the leaves.

Rotala macrandra

Additionally, leaves that reach the surface, appear to easily get holes, or fall apart, instead of converting to emersed growth. That may also be due to the heat from the light as they get rather close to them. Nevertheless, it is a gorgeous plant, with striking orange and red tones. I started with a single stem, and in just a month or two, I’ve now got a decent sized bush of R. macrandra. I’m hoping to grow it out even further, as I need more red in my 75G to offset the large number of green plants in there.

Rotala macrandra

Fortunately, R. macrandra has been in the hobby for some time, so it often shows up in some of the more ambitious fish shops. It you have the chance to buy it, do. However, make sure that you have adequate lighting, CO2, and fertilizers, or the plant won’t stand a chance.

9 Responses to “Rotala macrandra”

  1. Tennessee Mom Says:

    look at that pearling! I really need to do more, I’ve only seen a few bubbles once coming out of a plant. Come to think of it, I should really figure out what plants I have. I just buy what looks pretty and stick it in the tanks.

  2. guitarfish Says:

    Tn. Mom, to figure out what plants you have, there’s an excellent compendium at Aquatic Plant Central ( called PlantFinder. You need to create a free account there first, but then you’ll have access to it. It’s got lots of pictures and information on a vast number of the aquarium plants in the hobby.

  3. Sarah Says:

    The reason it falls apart when it gets to the surface is that it has no emergent form. Once it dries out, it dies.

  4. guitarfish Says:

    Huh! Thanks for that insight Sarah. I didn’t know that.

  5. Martin Rask Thomsen Says:

    I hate to argue, but I’ve successfully grown Rotala macrandra emersed at work. 🙂

  6. guitarfish Says:

    Thanks for sharing your experience Martin. Mine was a anecdotal experience in that particular tank. Now I’m just going to have to try and flower it in my emersed setup!

  7. Martin Rask Thomsen Says:

    It does take some effort getting it emersed. though easier than other annoying plants.. like R. vietnam…
    You have it successfully emersed?

  8. guitarfish Says:

    I haven’t grown R. vietnam emersed, but I’m 95% sure a friend is growing it that way. I think you basically have to lay it down in an inch of water for a long time before it finally decides to shoot up out of the water.

  9. Martin Rask Thomsen Says:

    sorry.. I was referring to R. macrandra.

    You are right. The method you describe is the best way. I used it at work quite successfully..
    also with R vietnam.. but it’s so slooooW!!