A Walk Around the Garden

August 5th, 2008

Despite the sometimes scorching heat and suffocating humidity, this is one of the best times of the year as a gardener. All of the hard work and anticipation that we’ve put into a small plot of land out back, is finally starting to be rewarded. The backyard is green and overgrown, and in-between much of that growth are fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs. Let me walk you through our garden…

Peppers and Lemon Grass

Peppers and Lemongrass

Around our raised brick pond, we have a small bed containing peppers (frying and jalapeno), and one monstrous eggplant. I have one cucumber vine that finally just started to take off after a battle with slugs.



The eggplant is finally ready for harvest, with so many more on the way that I’ll probably be sick of it after 2 months. This particular fruit is destined for Baigan Bhartha, a wonderful Indian dish.

Frying Pepper

Cubanelle Peppers

Our peppers are doing quite well! The Cubanelle peppers are looking great and the Jalapenos are absolutely exploding! We will definitely not have to worry about the salmonella outbreak on peppers, as we have plenty ourselves!


Jalapeno Peppers

We planted lemongrass this year for the first time, mainly to create a nice backdrop for the pond, but I’m looking forward to using it in some Asian recipes.

Lemon Grass


Our tomatoes are currently the biggest disappointment this year. They’re growing, but they seem to be about a month behind schedule for some reason. We support our tomatoes with clothesline, supported by multiple 6-foot poles. We manually feed the vines through the string. By fall, we’ll have a thick 6-7 foot wall of them.

Tomatoes and Squash

Tomatoes with Amish Squash Creeping Up

While behind schedule, we still have a number of tomatoes forming, so hopefully they’ll come around eventually; horn worms not withstanding.


Unripe tomato

Next to and in front of the tomatoes, we planted three varieties of squash: Amish squash, yellow neck, and black beauty. Somehow, we missed the fact that the Amish variety is a winter squash, that can produce fruits up to 60-80 pounds.

Squash overrunning everything

Squash overtaking Okra and Pepper plants.

We’ve got a couple of these giants starting. I’m unsure whether they’ll ever actually ripen, however, as unfortunately, bacterial wilt seems to have afflicted much of the vine.

Amish Squash

Amish Squash

The vines, by the way, stretch about 15 feet long, with side shoots spanning the full 4 feet of the bed, and up the fence in some places. I’m not terribly upset that it’s dying back a little bit because it was strangling the rest of the plants in that bed. If anyone has any suggestions on how to prevent/combat bacterial wilt, I would be interested to learn, however.

Bacterial Wilt :-(

Squash leaves affected by bacterial wilt.

Coming into the hot weather, our Okra has started to take off. It’s beginning to shoot toward the sky, with our first pod shown below. While I never had Okra growing up, I really love the stuff now, even though it’s admittedly an acquired taste.

Okra Pod

Okra pod

In our back raised bed, we have a number of thing going on. The grape and bean vines are clinging to the fence and tripods I’ve setup. We have our evergrowing sage bush in the front left, with some greens in the front right. Carrots, beets, and turnips are behind those things

Beans & Grapes Overrun

Back bed: Sage, greens, carrots, turnips, beets, beans, and grapes.

Our first group of beets are starting to pop out of the ground. I’m going to let them get a little bit bigger before picking, but I do want to get a second crop in the ground soon for late harvest.



We have a number of other herbs growing in our garden, including basil, stevia, oregano, rosemary, thyme, catnip, mint, chamomile, and dill. I hope you’ve enjoyed this little tour of our garden. We definitely love this time of year!

7 Responses to “A Walk Around the Garden”

  1. Rami Says:

    Your garden is so exciting to see! 😀 Hopefully next year I’ll have my garden back, since this year it got stomped flat for construction on the house. D:

  2. Raised Brick Pond Update-- Guitarfish Says:

    […] this week, I posted a photographic tour of my garden, but I purposely left out my raised brick pond. That’s not because it’s not doing well, […]

  3. octopus.gallery Says:

    Oh, I’m jealous! Your garden looks gorgeous and so productive. My squash has vine borers and I may only be able to salvage one of the plants in the backyard, and the (*&#%(^&!! raccoon destroyed my tomato plant last night. >:(

  4. guitarfish Says:

    Thanks Rami and OG. I don’t think I’ve run into vine borers or racoons, but squash bugs have been my nemesis. We also have a ground hog that likes to burrow under my fence, but amazingly, hasn’t quite figured out there’s a vegetable garden inside. (Let’s hope it stays that way!)

  5. lolly Says:

    I love these intimate shots of all of our plants – you got some great ones. That eggplant is no longer with us, now in the form of the delicious bhagan bharta 🙂 and i have one of the jalapenos in my lunch today!

  6. Rene Says:

    Any hints on what to do about neighboring ducks raiding the figs in the morning?

  7. guitarfish Says:

    Hey Rene, I’m not sure right off. Perhaps leave a dog outside in the mornings. 😉 Good luck!