Swamp Lilly Flower!

August 12th, 2008

After waiting for some time to finally happen, this week my Swamp Lilly (Crinum americanum) sent up four beautiful white flowers. Very fragrant, the flowers have a pleasant smell that is something like a light woman’s perfume.

Crinum americanum flower

The white petals are accented by several bright pink stamen, jutting out from the center. I knew that I could expect a flower soon because my fellow GWAPA member from which I received these plants, said that they usually flower in the July/August timeframe.

Crinum americanum flower

Right on cue, the flower stalk appeared last week. Originally, the flower stalk seems as if it would only contain a single flower, but over time, the tip of the stalk reveals four separate flower pods, which in turn contain several petals each.

Crinum americanum flower

I haven’t seen any bees visit the flowers yet, but since they’re all throughout my garden, I would expect them to find it soon enough. I’m curious to see whether I can obtain seeds, verses simply propagating the plant by division.

Crinum americanum flower

Between the lovely flower and attractive folage, I think Crinum americanum has found a permanent home in my backyard raised brick pond.

3 Responses to “Swamp Lilly Flower!”

  1. Rami Says:

    Ooh, gorgeous flowers. <3 Looking at your garden is a real treat, especially during times like these.

  2. guitarfish Says:

    Thanks Rami!

  3. Phillip Brown Says:

    Really beautiful, you must be so proudof it.