GWAPA – September Meeting

September 29th, 2008

On Saturday, GWAPA had another packed meeting at Kevin’s house in Silver Spring, MD. This month, over thirty folks showed up to hear about soil substrates in the planted aquarium. One of our members, Sean, is the originator of the soil substrate recipe that so many people are starting to use in the hobby. It was popularized by AaronT and others on Aquatic Plant Central, and we got to hear the soil method straight from the source.

In addition, we had another large auction — just look at all the bags of plants! I came away with a few things, such as Polygonum sp. ‘Porto Vehlo’ and Rotala verticillaris, and sold off a few things myself. We also debuted GWAPA’s new logo design, which you can see above.

All-in-all, it was another great meeting!

5 Responses to “GWAPA – September Meeting”

  1. Kim Says:

    Once again I have to say how lucky you are and how jealous I am!

  2. Phillip Brown Says:

    Ditto. Green envy from here in the UK.

  3. guitarfish Says:

    I’m definitely lucky to have such a great group of folks in my area. Thanks for reading!

  4. Chris Says:

    Awesome. Again, I wish I had a local club 🙁

  5. Chris Says:

    Do they ever have petite for “auction”? How much does it normally cost. I am also a member on APC. Are any of your tanks on there?