Reservoir Trip

October 6th, 2008

This weekend, my wife and I took our dogs to a reservoir near our house that we like to visit this time of year. We probably would visit it more often, except that most of the year, it is completely covered by many feet of water. In the summer, they close off the dam upstream, and the reservoir turns from lake to field, with lots of open space for our energy laden dogs to run.


Our weimaraner/lab mix, Bella, galloped from place to place, clearly enjoying herself. Our lab/spaniel mix, Jen, enjoyed the area more at her own pace, but had a good time nevertheless.


Occasionally, Bella would decide to ambush Jen, which then brought on a flurry of tails, claws, and teeth, playfully pouncing upon each other. The field itself was laden with yellow wildflowers, stretching for a far as you could see.

Bella and Jen

Last year when we came, all of these flowers had already melted away, and we were left with hitchhiking seeds on our pants, shoes, and tails (dogs). I wasn’t really paying too much attention to the aquatic plants this time, but I did spot some Rotala ramosior, Lysimachia nummularia (Creeping Jenny), and a Polygonum species.


Combined with the beautiful, crisp weather, we had a nice time walking through the wildflowers, and looking for wildlife. We spotted a number of minnows, and a few bass in the brook and feeder streams.


We hope to get out canoeing here next year once the water is high enough. Hopefully that will allow us to further explore more of the area, even though I doubt our dogs will be allow for that trip!

5 Responses to “Reservoir Trip”

  1. Phillip Brown Says:

    Still looks like Summer there – rain and winter weather here in the UK. Love the dogs.

  2. Paul S Says:

    Is this Rocky Gorge reservior?

  3. Jason Says:

    Look at those beautifully stratified rocks!! Do you know what kinds of fossils they contain?

  4. Rotala ramosior-- Guitarfish Says:

    […] at the reservoir last week, I spotted countless stems of Rotala ramosior growing emersed all throughout the dried lake bed. […]

  5. Reservoir Visit-- Guitarfish Says:

    […] weekend, we took our dogs to a reservoir near us that we’ve visited several times in the past. It was a perfect fall day, with a nice breeze, pleasant temperature, and flowers […]