75G – Photo Update
August 11th, 2010My 75G aquascape has finally matured. I spent some time over the weekend trimming back the Trident Java Fern, removing old leaves from the Cryptocoryne and Anubias plants, and thinning out some of the moss on the wood. Below is the result of that effort, with what will probably be the final picture of this aquascape before I rescape the tank.
The angelfish continue to grow quickly, and remain as beautiful to me as the day I got them. For my money, there are not many other fish that are more majestic than wild-colored angelfish. The Nannacara anomala are still doing well, breeding several times, but never raising up any of the babies. I added some small Ancistrus sp. ‘L279′ awhile back which are also enjoying all of the hiding places this aquascape provides. I’m looking for ideas for the next scape I do in this tank. Please leave your thoughts in the comments area…
August 12th, 2010 at 2:23 am
That looks awesome! I love how bright it is.
August 12th, 2010 at 10:04 pm
Thanks Alli! I was definitely tempted to throw in more red plants (there’s a small grouping of Ludwigia x lacustris in the center back right), but by and large I wanted it to be bright green, with the wood providing most of the contrast. Thanks for the comment!
August 19th, 2010 at 7:52 am
July 22nd, 2011 at 1:34 pm
[…] can have an amazing scape just with crypts and moss. This amazing scape has easy to grow plants.. 75G – Photo Update– Guitarfish __________________ Luis E. (aka ghostsword) ====================== My Flickr […]