75G Update
June 9th, 2012My 75G aquarium continues to take care of itself with very little maintenance needed. I dose in the mornings, and do my regular water changes, but otherwise, I don’t really have any algae problems, the plants continue to grow, and the dense overgrown jungle look doesn’t tangle itself into a mess too quickly.
My school of seven Peruvian angelfish gracefully occupy the shadows cast by the tall Blyxa aubertii plants unless it’s feeding time when they beg like no other fish in my fishroom. I regularly pull Staurogyne repens and S. sp. ‘Porto Vehlo’ from the foreground without really noticing any plants gone missing.
While I got all seven angelfish with the same quarter size bodies, they have quadrupedaled (or more) in size save the one runt seen above. This fish feeds with the rest, and otherwise appears healthy, but hasn’t grown like the others. Overall, this tank is a wonderful demonstration of what a mature aquascape can be, providing enjoyment without requiring much in return.
November 29th, 2012 at 8:47 am
Those photos are absolutely fantastic, if I still had an aquarium I would want it to look as vibrant and green as this! Are your angelfish at all aggressive towards the runty one? I used to have 6 dwarf angelfish and they spent their entire lives picking on one another and ruining their fins.
November 29th, 2012 at 9:33 am
Thanks for the comment, Georg! Actually, the two largest angelfish tend to chase each other more. The runt seems to stay under the radar. I’ve seen added a large school of odessa barbs, which are active enough to keep the angelfish occupied, so the angelfish-to-angelfish aggression has declined. The other benefit of a heavy planted tank like this, is that if a fish is being picked on, it can often dart into the weeds to get away from the aggressor.