33G and 50G Updates

July 28th, 2014

I previously posted pictures of my 33G and 50G aquascapes. Both are growing in pretty nicely. The 50G started to get some BBA on the wood, but a combination of peroxide treatment and adding additional algae eaters seems to have eliminated most of that problem. It did

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, however, harm some of the foreground Monte Carlo plant, slowing it’s growth. I’m sure that it will rebound.

50G - July 28, 2014 Update

I’m still figuring out the exact amounts to dose this aquarium, slowly increasing the dosage as the plants have been growing in. The LED lights are quite bright and are actually dialed back slightly to slow things down.

33G Update - Two Weeks In

Two weeks in, the 33G cube (above) is doing okay as well. I have been getting some algae on the Blyxa japonica especially

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, but I think that it’s just a matter of all of the bacterial colonies stabilizing to help me with some of the organics. The foreground is starting to grow, but definitely has a ways to go. The most prolific plant thus far is the North American native, Heteranthera dubia, which is growing up behind the peak of the hill. Comments/critiques welcome!

2 Responses to “33G and 50G Updates”

  1. Chris Williams Says:

    Hey Kris,

    The Koralia powerhead in this tank looks huge. What model is it, how long do you run it, and does it prevent your plants from staying in place and/or your fish from swimming freely?


  2. guitarfish Says:

    Hey Chris — The model of the Koralia Evolution has long since faded, but it probably is oversized for this tank. That said, the fish or plants don’t have any problems. I prefer more flow than less in most cases to avoid deadspots (voids of CO2/nutrients), especially when plants become overgrown.